Set in a flooded city of the distant future, the FLOODWORLD trilogy is a richly imagined, action-packed adventure for readers aged 8 and up filled with epic battles, daring escapes, relatable heroes, monstrous villains, future technologies, immersive settings, underwater thrills and hope for humanity's future.
‘An action-packed and gripping read.’ The Scotsman
‘Five stars… impossible to put down!’ First News
‘Beautifully written, fantastically timely and utterly addictive.’ ReadItDaddy
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First published by Nosy Crow Books in 2019, FLOODWORLD follows the adventures of Kara and Joe, two plucky youngsters scratching out a living in the drowned ruins of a futuristic London. But when they stumble across a secret map, suddenly everyone's after them, from local cops and ruthless gangsters to mysterious Mariner pirates in their hi-tech submarines. Can they save the city before the walls come tumbling down?
Published in 2020, DUSTROAD picks up the story as Kara and Joe are transported across the ocean to the desert continent of North America, where an army led by five cloned brothers are determined to destroy their sworn enemies, the Mariners. Can our heroes make it across the continent in time to stop the war?
Published in 2021, STORMTIDE completes the trilogy in spectacular fashion, as Kara and Joy come face to face with an old enemy who has a monstrous plan to wipe out humanity once and for all. As storms rage and tidal waves sweep the planet, will our heroes and their intrepid allies get there in time to stop the apocalypse?
The beautiful maps and illustrations for the FloodWorld trilogy were drawn by Jensine Eckwall, while the gorgeous cover art was by Manuel Sumberac.